United Auto Workers

United Auto Workers
Full name The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America
Native name United Auto Workers
Founded May 1935
Members 390,000 active members and more than 600,000 retired members
Country United States
Affiliation AFL-CIO, CLC
Key people Bob King, president
Office location Detroit, Michigan, United States
Website uaw.org

The International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, better known as the United Auto Workers (UAW), is a labor union which represents workers in the United States and Puerto Rico, and formerly in Canada. Founded as part of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO) in the 1930s, the UAW grew rapidly from 1936 to the 1950s. Under the leadership of Walter Reuther it played a major role in the liberal wing of the Democratic party, including the civil rights and anti-Communist movements. The UAW was especially known for gaining high wages and pensions for the auto workers, but it was unable to unionize auto plants built by foreign-based car-makers in the South after 1970s, and went into a steady decline in membership.

UAW members in the 21st century work in industries as diverse as autos and auto parts, health care, casino gaming and higher education. Headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, the union has about 390,000 active members and more than 600,000 retired members in 750 local unions, which negotiated 2,500 contracts with some 1,700 employers.[1]




The UAW was founded in May 1935 in Detroit, Michigan, under the auspices of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) after years of agitation within the labor federation. The AFL had focused on organizing craft unions and avoided large factories. But at its 1935 convention, a caucus of industrial unions led by John L. Lewis formed the Committee for Industrial Organization, the original CIO, within the AFL. Within one year, the AFL suspended the unions in the CIO, and these, including the UAW, formed the rival Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).

The UAW rapidly found success in organizing with the sit-down strike — first in a General Motors plant in Atlanta, Georgia in 1936, and more famously in the Flint sit-down strike that began on December 29, 1936. That strike ended in February 1937 after Michigan's governor Frank Murphy played the role of mediator, negotiating recognition of the UAW by General Motors. The next month, auto workers at Chrysler won recognition of the UAW as their representative in a sit-down strike.

The UAW's next target was the Ford Motor Company, which had long resisted unionization.[2] Ford manager Harry Bennett used brute force to keep the union out of Ford, and his Ford Service Department was set up as an internal security, intimidation, and espionage unit within the company. It was not reluctant to use violence against union organizers and sympathizers (see The Battle of the Overpass). It took until 1941 for Ford to agree to a collective bargaining agreement with the UAW.[3]

Communists provided many of the organizers and took control of key union locals, especially Local 600, which represented the largest Ford plants. The Communist faction controlled some of the key positions in the union, including the directorship of the Washington office, the research department, and the legal office.[4] Walter Reuther, a rising power, cooperated closely with the Communists, but historians disagree whether he was ever a full party member.[5] The UAW was one of the first major unions that was willing to organize African-American workers.

The UAW discovered that to be a successful bargaining agency with the corporation it had to be able to uphold its side of the bargain. That meant wildcat strikes and disruptive behavior by union members had to be stopped by the union itself. Many members were extreme individualists who did not like being bossed around either by company foremen, or by union agents; they represented a powerful, albeit poorly organized, "syndicalist" element—democratic, localistic, and oriented to the specific shop-floor.[6] Leaders of the UAW realized they had to control the shop floor, for as Reuther explained in 1939, "We must demonstrate that we are a disciplined, responsible organization; we not only have power, but that we have power under control.".[7]

World War II

The war dramatically changed the nature of the UAW's organizing. The UAW's Executive Board voted to make a "no strike" pledge to ensure that the war effort would not be hindered by strikes, and that pledge was later reaffirmed by the membership.

After the successful organization of the auto industry, the UAW moved towards unionization of other industries. For a time, the UAW even organized workers at bicycle fabrication and assembly plants in Cleveland and Chicago, including AMF, Murray, and later Schwinn Bicycle Co. The AMF and Murray plants later closed and were relocated to other states after increasing competition forced retooling, modernization, and a reduction in per-unit labor costs. In 1980, the Schwinn factory, hard hit by foreign competition and in need of complete modernization, also closed its doors.


At the UAW's constitutional convention in 1946 Walter Reuther won the election for president and served until his death in an airplane accident in May 1970 — leading the union during one of the most prosperous periods for workers in U.S. history.

Immediately after the war left-wing elements demanded "30-40": that is, a 30 hour week for 40 hours pay. Reuther rejected 30-40 and decided to concentrate on total annual wages, displaying a new corporatist mentality that accepted management's argument that shorter hours conflicted with wage increases and other job benefits and abandoning the old confrontational syndicalist position that shorter hours drove up wages and protected against unemployment[8]

The UAW struck GM for 113 days, beginning in November 1945, demanding a greater voice in management. GM would pay higher wages but refused to consider power sharing; the union finally settled with an eighteen-and-a-half-cent wage increase but little more. The UAW went along with GM in return for an ever-increasing packages of wage and benefit hikes through collective bargaining, with no help from the government.

The UAW delivered contracts for his membership through brilliant negotiating tactics. Reuther would pick one of the "Big three" automakers, and if it did not offer concessions, he would strike it and let the other two absorb its sales. Besides high hourly wage rates and paid vacations, The UAW negotiated these benefits for its members: employer-funded pensions (beginning in 1950 at Chrysler), medical insurance (beginning at GM in 1950), and supplementary unemployment benefits (beginning at Ford in 1955). The other Big Three (and many smaller suppliers) followed suit. Reuther tried to negotiate lower automobile prices for the consumer with each contract, with limited success.[9] An agreement on profit sharing with American Motors led nowhere, because profits were small at this minor player. The UAW expanded its scope to include workers in other major industries such as the aerospace and agricultural-implement industries.

The UAW disaffiliated from the AFL-CIO on July 1, 1968, after Reuther and AFL-CIO President George Meany could not come to agreement on a wide range of policy issues or reforms to AFL-CIO governance.[10] On July 24, 1968, just days after the UAW disaffiliation, Teamsters General President Frank Fitzsimmons and Reuther formed the Alliance for Labor Action as a new national trade union center to organize unorganized workers and pursue leftist political and social projects.[11][12] Meany denounced the ALA as a dual union, although Reuther argued it was not.[10][13] The Alliance's initial program was ambitious.[14] Reuther's death in a plane crash on May 9, 1970, near Black Lake, Michigan, dealt a serious blow to the Alliance, and the group halted operations in July 1971 after the Auto Workers (almost bankrupt from a lengthy strike at General Motors) was unable to continue to fund its operations.[10] The UAW founded WDET 101.9fm in Detroit, MI in 1948. The station was later sold to Wayne State University for $1 in 1952.


The UAW leadership has been a force in the liberal wing of the Democratic party in the U.S. while its individual members have supported both Democratic and Republican candidates. This has has caused the Republican Party in the U.S. to support Right to Work laws in the U.S. to create greater fairness in elections. The UAW leadership has supported the programs of the New Deal Coalition, strongly supported civil rights, and strongly supported Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.[15] The UAW became strongly anti-communist after it expelled its Communist leaders in the late 1940s, and supported the Vietnam war and opposed the antiwar Democratic candidates.[16]

According to Williams (2005) the UAW used the rhetoric of civic or liberal nationalism to fight for the rights of blacks and other workers of color between the 1930s and 1970s. At the same time, it used this rhetoric to simultaneously rebuff the demands and limit the organizing efforts of black workers seeking to overcome institutional racial hierarchies in the workplace, housing, and the UAW. The UAW leadership denounced these demands and efforts as antidemocratic and anti-American. Three examples, William argues, show how the UAW use of working class nationalism functioned as a countersubversive tradition within American liberalism: the UAW campaign at the Ford plant in Dearborn, Michigan, in the late 1930s, the 1942 conflict in Detroit over the black occupancy of the Sojourner Truth housing project, and the responses of the UAW under the conservative leadership of Reuther to the demands of black workers for representation in UAW leadership between the mid-1940s and the 1960s.[17]


The beginning in the early 1970s, changes in the global economy, competition from European and Japanese automobile makers, and management decisions at the U.S. automakers had already started to significantly reduce the profits of the major auto makers and set the stage for the drastic changes in the 1970s. The arrival of Volkswagen, Honda and other imports threatened the industry area. When the German and Japanese companies opened plants in the USA, they headed to the South and operated without unions.

The situation for the automotive industry and UAW members heightened with the 1973 oil embargo. Rising fuel prices caused the U.S. auto makers to lose market share to foreign manufacturers who placed more emphasis on fuel efficiency. This started years of layoffs and wage reductions, and the UAW found itself in the position of giving up many of the benefits it had won for workers over the decades. By the early 1980s, auto producing states, especially in the Midwestern United States and Canada, had been impacted economically from losses in jobs and income. This peaked with the near-bankruptcy of Chrysler in 1979. In 1985 the union's Canadian division disaffiliated from the UAW over a dispute regarding negotiation tactics and formed the Canadian Auto Workers as an independent union. Specifically the Canadian division claimed they were being used to pressure the companies for extra benefits which went mostly to the American members.

The UAW has seen a loss of membership since the 1970s. Membership topped 1.5 million in 1979, falling to 540,000 in 2006. With the late-2000s recession, GM and Chrysler filed for Chapter 11 reorganization. Membership fell to 390,000 active members in 2010, with more than 600,000 retired members covered by pension and medical care plans.

21st century

. UAW has been credited for aiding in the auto industry rebound in the 21st century and blamed for seeking generous benefit packages in the past which in part led to the automotive industry crisis of 2008-2009. UAW workers generous benefit packages when compared with those working at Japanese auto assembly plants in the U.S., had been cited as a primary reason for the cost differential before the 2009 restructuring. In a November 23, 2008, New York Times editorial, Andrew Ross Sorkin claimed that the average UAW worker was paid $70 per hour, including health and pension costs, while Toyota workers in the US receive $10 to $20 less.[18] The UAW asserts that most of this labor cost disparity comes from legacy pension and healthcare benefits to retired members, of which the Japanese automakers have none. The Big Three already sold their cars for about $2,500 less than equivalent cars from Japanese companies, analysts at the International Motor Vehicle Program say.[19] According to the 2007 GM Annual Report, typical autoworkers earn a base wage of approximately $28 per hour (higher than the average university educated engineer). Following the 2007 National Agreement, the base starting wage was lowered to about $15 per hour.[20] A second-tier wage of $14.50 an hour, which applies only to newly-hired workers, is lower than the average wage in nonunion auto companies in the Deep South.[21]

One of the benefits negotiated by the United Auto Workers was the former jobs bank program, under which laid-off members once received 95 percent of their take-home pay and benefits. More than 12,000 UAW members were paid this benefit in 2005.[22] In December 2008, the UAW agreed to suspend the program as a concession to help U.S. automakers during the auto industry crisis.[23]

UAW Leadership granted concessions to its unions in order to win labor peace, a benefit not calculated by the UAW's many critics.[24] The UAW has claimed that the primary cause of the automotive sector's weakness was substantially more expensive fuel costs[25] linked to the 2003-2008 oil crisis which caused customers to turn away from large sport utility vehicles (SUVs) and pickup trucks,[26] the main market of the American "Big Three" (General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler). In 2008, the situation became critical because the global financial crisis and the related credit crunch significantly impaired the ability of consumers to purchase automobiles.[27] The Big Three also based their respective market strategies on fuel-inefficient SUVs, and suffered from lower quality perception (vis-a-vis automobiles manufactured by Japanese or European car makers). Accordingly, the Big Three directed vehicle development focused on light trucks (which had better profit margins) in order to offset the considerably higher labor costs, falling considerably behind in the sedan market segments to Japanese and European automakers.[28]

Technical, Office, and Professional (TOP) Workers

In the 1990s, the UAW began to focus on new areas of organizing both geographically (in places like Puerto Rico) and in terms of occupations, with new initiatives among university staff, freelance writers (through the subsidiary National Writers Union) and employees of non-profit organizations, including workers at Mother Jones Magazine and the Sierra Club who are represented by UAW Local 2103.

The UAW took on the organization of academic student employees (ASEs) working at American universities as teaching assistants, research assistants, tutors, and graders under the slogan "Uniting Academic Workers". As of 2011, the UAW represents more student workers than any other union in the United States of America. Universities with UAW ASE representation include the University of California (UAW Local 2865), California State University (UAW Local 4123), University of Massachusetts (UAW Local 2322), University of Washington (UAW Local 4121), and New York University (UAW Local 2110). In 2008 the 6,500 postdoctoral scholars ("postdocs") at the ten campuses of the University of California, who combined account for 10% of the postdocs in the nation, voted to affiliate with the UAW, creating the largest union for postdoctoral scholars in the country: UAW Local 5810.[29]

The expansion of UAW to academic circles, postdoctoral researchers in particular, attracted both praise and criticism.[30]

Presidents of the UAW

See also


  1. ^ "Who We Are" from UAW website. Retrieved 22 August 2010.
  2. ^ Irving Bernstein, A History of the American Worker 1933-1941: Turbulent Years (1970) pp 499-571
  3. ^ Allan Nevins and Frank Ernest Hill, Ford: Decline and Rebirth 1933-1962 (1963), pages 140-41, 164-67, 233-42
  4. ^ Boyle, The UAW pp 28-29
  5. ^ Victor G. Devinatz, "Reassessing the Historical UAW: Walter Reuther's Affiliation with the Communist Party and Something of its Meaning - a Document of Party Involvement, 1939." Labour 2002 (49): 223-245. Issn: 0700-3862 Fulltext: in History Cooperative
  6. ^ Nelson Lichtenstein, "Auto Worker Militancy and the Structure of Factory Life, 1937-1955," Journal of American History 67 (1980): 335-53,
  7. ^ Nelson Lichtenstein, The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor (1995) p. 133
  8. ^ Jonathan Cutler, Labor's Time: Shorter Hours, the UAW, and the Struggle for American Unionism. (2004)
  9. ^ Nelson Lichtenstein, The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor (1995)
  10. ^ a b c Lichtenstein, Nelson. The Most Dangerous Man in Detroit: Walter Reuther and the Fate of American Labor. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois Press, 1995. ISBN 0-252-06626-X
  11. ^ Janson, Donald. "U.A.W. and Teamsters Form Alliance." New York Times. July 24, 1968; Stetson, Damon. "2 Biggest Unions Set Up Alliance." New York Times. May 27, 1969.
  12. ^ "Mr. Clean and the Outcast." Time. June 6, 1969.
  13. ^ Barnard, John. American Vanguard: The United Auto Workers During the Reuther Years, 1935-1970. (2004)
  14. ^ Stetson, Damon. "New Labor Group Offers Program." New York Times. May 28, 1969.
  15. ^ Kevin Boyle, The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945-1968 (1995)
  16. ^ Boyle, The UAW and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945-1968 (1995) pp 7, 32
  17. ^ Charles Williams, M. "The Racial Politics of Progressive Americanism: New Deal Liberalism and the Subordination of Black Workers in the UAW." Studies in American Political Development 2005 19(1): 75-97. Issn: 0898-588x
  18. ^ Sorkin, Andrew Ross. "A Bridge Loan? U.S. Should Guide G.M. in a Chapter 11." New York Times. November 18, 2008.
  19. ^ Leonhardt, David (December 10, 2008). "$73 an Hour: Adding It Up". The New York Times. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/10/business/economy/10leonhardt.html. Retrieved May 26, 2010. 
  20. ^ "General Motors Corporation 2007 Annual Report", p. 62.
  21. ^ Brenner, Mark and Slaughter, Jane. "Cutting Wages Won't Solve Detroit 3's Crisis." Detroit News. December 4, 2008.
  22. ^ Hoffman, Bryce G. "Jobs Bank Programs—12,000 Paid Not to Work." Detroit News. October 17, 2005.
  23. ^ Barkholz, David. "UAW Agrees to Suspend Jobs Bank, Gettelfinger Says." Automotive News. December 3, 2008.
  24. ^ Ivison, John. "Automotive Bailout Must Not Be Free Ride." National Post. March 2, 2009.
  25. ^ Tankersley, Jim. "No Easy Road for U.S. Auto Industry." Los Angeles Times. April 9, 2009.
  26. ^ "Gas Prices Put Detroit Big Three in Crisis Mode." Associated Press. June 1, 2008.
  27. ^ Vlasic, Bill and Bunkley, Nick. "Hazardous Conditions for the Auto Industry." New York Times. October 1, 2008.
  28. ^ Van Praet, Nicolas. "CAW Girds For War." Financial Post. June 4, 2008.
  29. ^ Hasemyer, David. UC labor union significant for postdoctoral research The San Diego Union-Tribune, July 6 2009.
  30. ^ Postdocs at the University of California opposing PRO/UAW


Further reading

Primary sources

External links